Below you will find a list of questions (and answers) that are often top of mind when registering for an event. If we've left any questions unanswered, please don't hesitate to contact Pat Chiavuzzo at or 416-644-6261.
What part of my trip does Russell pay for?
Russell Investments will cover all on-site general session meal related expenses. Russell Investments will also pay for the optional entertainment activities included on the agenda.
What is the suggested attire for conference participants?
The attire is business casual for the duration of the conference.
How do I book my flights?
You may book your flights or if you prefer assistance to book please click "Yes" on the travel page when asked if you require help with booking travel. You will be contacted after your registration is confirmed to book your flights.
How do I make my hotel reservation?
Russell Investments will make hotel reservations for you at The Ben Hotel over the group dates. If you have requested to extend your stay at The Ben Hotel, Russell Investments will confirm availability with you so your flights can be booked appropriately. The Ben Hotel will be charging your credit card for your stay upon check out. If you wish to extend in West Palm Beach, but not at The Ben Hotel, reservations must be made on your own.
Can I extend my stay at the hotel?
Additional nights requested before or after the conference dates are subject to availability. The group rate at The Ben Hotel is $350 USD plus applicable fees and taxes.
My spouse would like to join me on this trip, can s/he attend any part of the event or meal functions?
Guests are invited to attend the Sunset Dinner Cruise (Wednesday, April 17) and Dinner (Thursday, April 18). Guests are not allowed to attend the meeting sessions.
How do I make changes to my registration?
For any questions or concerns regarding making changes to your registration, please contact Pat Chiavuzzo at or (416) 644-6261.