Mireille Luc
Senior Director | Research, Content & Medical Affairs, Petal
President, HIMSS Eastern Canada Chapter
>More information

Dr. Julie Maranda
Family Physician
>More information

Dr. Anne Snowdon
Chief Scientific Research Officer 
>More information

Elizabeth Toller
Director General, Health Care Strategies
Health Canada
>More information

Harold (Hal) Wolf III
President and CEO
>More information

More speaker bios to come, but in the meantime… this year’s conference theme is

Realizing the Full Health Potential of Every Human, Everywhere

Sub-Theme: Partnering for Collective Impact

We welcome abstracts highlighting partnerships that improve quality outcomes locally or globally. Partnerships can include public sector, private sector, providers, patients, policymakers, etc. Share what has worked well, "ah ha" moments, and lessons learned.

We are busy securing leading industry professionals to cover the following 4 key categories:

  1. System Transformation
  2. Quality Outcomes
  3. Data and Information Management
  4. Emerging Digital Health Technologies

If you are interested in speaking, please fill out this form via this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2D3VRYM or scan this QR code

Abstract deadline is September 20!