Note: Please use your registration receipt and the downloadable agenda as proof of attendance for accreditation documentation.
Please CLICK HERE for a copy of the certificate. You can fill in your name and save or print it, as needed.
For NIDMAR CPD hours, attendees may complete their form and email to have it signed.
Day 1 | October 9, 2024
8:00 AM
Registration / Breakfast / Exhibits
9:00 AM
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Keynote Speaker - Gavin Pokan
Chief Operating Officer, WSIB
Collaborating for a healthier workplace
>More information
10:20 AM
Break / Exhibits / Transition
11:00 AM
Breakout Session 1
Avoiding Missteps: The Top 10 Mistakes in Workplace Investigations
>More information
Enhancing Access, Empowering Lives: The next Generation of Mental Health Coverage
>More information
WSIB Claims 101
>More information
Navigating Common WSIB Work Transition Challenges and Pitfalls
>More information
12:00 PM
Lunch / Exhibits
1:15 PM
Breakout Session 2
Best Practices for WSIB Claim Management - Panel Discussion
>More information
Creating Ergonomics Excellence - Top strategies for long term Ergonomics Success
>More information
AI Considerations in Claims & Investigations
>More information
2:15 PM
2:20 PM
Breakout Session 3
Navigating the Complexities of Resolution Agreements
(2 hours)
>More information
Occupational Therapy, Mental Stress Injuries & Return to Work
>More information
eWSIB and Invoicing
>More information
3:20 PM
Break / Exhibits / Transition
3:45 PM
Breakout Session 4
Continued - Navigating the Complexities of Resolution Agreements
(2 hours)
>More information
Workplace Noise Surveys and HLPP
>More information
Attendance Support Programs: The Fundamentals of Building a Supportive and Effective ASP
>More information
Day 2 | October 10, 2024
8:00 AM
Registration / Breakfast / Exhibits
9:00 AM
Keynote Speaker - Kate Davis
Connectivity Expert | Humour in the Workplace | Work–Life Balance
>More information
10:20 AM
Break / Exhibits / Transition
11:00 AM
Breakout Session 5
2024 Legal Highlights in Workers' Compensation Law: Important Cases, Updates and Trends
>More information
A New Tool to Assess Job-Based risk of Psychological Harm
>More information
Introduction to Psychological Health & Safety Standard
>More information
12:00 PM
Lunch / Exhibits / Prize Draws
1:15 PM
Breakout Session 6
Return to Work Planning Following a Concussion Injury
>More information
Is it workplace PTSD or something else? Issues for employers
>More information
Investigations in the Age of Geosocial Data
>More information
2:15 PM
2:20 PM
Breakout Session 7
Ergonomics: Medical vs. Wellness
>More information
WSIB Claims 201
>More information
Advanced Accommodation Workshop: Human Rights @ Work
>More information
3:20 PM
End of Conference